Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgeries

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Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgeries

Best shoulder joint replacement surgery in Hyderabad

Are you facing severe shoulder arthritis or your shoulder joint is severely damaged? If so, you may require an arthroscopy surgeon in Hyderabad for a complete shoulder joint replacement. This cutting-edge joint replacement alternative promotes mobility and eases discomfort.

One of the best arthroscopy surgeons in Hyderabad, Dr Karthik Sankuri, does the job with perfection. He has obtained complete training and experience in advanced shoulder arthroscopy from renowned mentors who are experts in this operation and from top worldwide medical institutes.

He is regarded as one of the best arthroscopic shoulder surgeons in Hyderabad because of his exceptional surgical abilities, accuracy, and reliable outcomes. His area of expertise is minimally invasive surgery, which has a faster recovery time and better results.

Overview of Should Fracture Treatment

Shoulder fracture treatment or shoulder replacement surgery involves treating your shoulder if dislocated or muscle tear happens. In shoulder replacement surgery, also referred to as shoulder arthroplasty, the injured shoulder parts are replaced with prosthetic substitutes.

You can twist and move your arm in all directions thanks to the shoulder joint, which is a ball and socket joint. The narrow shoulder socket accommodates the rounded upper arm head.

A joint injury or damage can result in stiffness and weakness. Dr Karthik Sankuri will advise shoulder ligament surgery or plasma therapy for the shoulder, depending on the severity of the problem. By boosting your strength and range of motion, this technique will make your shoulder more usable and relieve your pain.

When do you need to undergo Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

  • Osteoarthritis- The most prevalent kind of arthritis, osteoarthritis, is caused by the wearing away of the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones and allows them to move freely.
  • Fracture – Shoulder replacement may be necessary if your shoulder bone breaks as a result of an accident or if earlier fracture repair treatment fails.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis- It is a disorder in which the immune system assaults the joints, resulting in pain and inflammation.
  • Injury to the rotator cuff – A torn or injured rotator cuff can harm the shoulder joint.
  • Avascular necrosis- The shoulder bone collapses due to a loss of blood supply.

Shoulder Bankart Repair in Hyderabad

Shoulder Bankart repair is a surgical procedure to treat frequently occurring shoulder joint dislocations. The treatment aims to reconstruct normal function by reattaching the worn-out ligaments to the correct location in the shoulder joint.

The surgeon would create a small incision around the shoulder area. The orthopaedic specialist will insert a tiny camera, allowing them to see the structures on a TV screen. Small tools are used to affix the labarum to the glenoid bone. The surgeon places tiny anchors into the bone and sutures the labarum in place to retain the tissue in place.

The surgeon would ask you to stay overnight in the hospital for observation. It will take 10 to 14 days to remove the stitches. You might anticipate having your arm placed in a large immobiliser sling. The surgeon might give patients antibiotics and painkillers after surgery to reduce pain and stop infection.

Different Types of Shoulder Replacement Surgeries?

Dr Karthik Sankuri is knowledgeable enough to conduct different types of shoulder replacement surgeries, including-

  • Classical total shoulder replacement
  • Shoulder hemiarthroplasty
  • Resurfacing shoulder replacement
  • Shoulder ACL surgery
  • Shoulder cartilage repair

Why Choose Dr Karthik Sankuri for Shoulder Joint Replacement in Hyderabad?

Dr Karthik Sankuri is a leading shoulder specialist in Hyderabad whom you can trust because the entire surgery is quite challenging and need professional expertise. He is unsurpassed in this procedure in terms of knowledge and skill. Moreover, due to his successful track record in joint reconstruction surgery, including hip, elbow, and knee replacements, he is regarded as the best arthroscopy surgeon in Hyderabad. Connect now!